The Blog!

Welcome to Studio Monet's blog! The best way to keep yourself up to date with what we are doing, and where we are doing it. Are we on location, or in the Studio? You can find the answer here. If you don't find the information you are looking for, please give our Studio a call.
What's up class of 2015
Don't forget to schedule your senior portrait session!

In addition to the required formal Tux or drape portrait for the yearbook, here at Studio Monet we offer several other sessions. 
Do you want a cap and gown session?  We got that covered. 
You want to do a more casual session in your own clothes? 
We can do that too.  Want to bring a prop?  Great! 
Want to do an outdoor session?  Cool!
Give our studio a call and find out more.

Its best to get your senior portraits done soon.
Don't wait, appointments fill up fast.